SupportNet Registration

Register today to gain access to the latest information about NIKSUN products, including product documentation, patches, advisories and FAQs.

Customer Account Request

Please provide the following information so that your SupportNet account request can be processed. Note, all fields are required to be completed.

  • If you use NetVCR and NetDetector, please supply a Tag ID from one of each of the systems
  • The Tag ID can be found in the Help/About screen of each of the products or on a decal found on the rear of each unit
Your Details
  First Name:
  Last Name:
  Email Address:

Your Product Information
  Appliance Tag ID:
NIKSUN will use the information you provide on this form for the purpose of providing you an account on SupportNet. By selecting the "Opt-In" box below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with our privacy policy found on our website. You can change your mind at any time by contacting us at Opt-In

Partner Account Request

Access to SupportNet is provided as a service to our partners. Please provide the following information so that your SupportNet account request can be processed. Note, all fields are required to be completed.

Your Details
  First Name:
  Last Name:
  Email Address:
  Phone Number:
NIKSUN will use the information you provide on this form for the purpose of providing you an account on SupportNet. By selecting the "Opt-In" box below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with our privacy policy found on our website. You can change your mind at any time by contacting us at Opt-In